Thursday, May 16, 2013

exploring and inquiring into Cults of Animals and Cults of Humans

It may be worth exploring and inquiring into Similarities and difference, if any between:

1. A group of dogs piddling over few trees and claiming the area as if it belong to them, gradually increasing it. Claiming all the food from that area. Having a Master Dog and others designated dogs and bitches barking and chasing at every other dog, who try to enter their commune without their Master's permission...Biting at every dog, who follows its own way... Till some other dog takes over and start doing the same...

2. A Religious/Spiritual group, organisation, personality or cult having a Master (God) personality with designated Popes, Priests, Nuns, Swamis, Rishis, Maulvies, Monks etc. making a gathering of followers and spreading its Ways under some similar dress code, Slogan or flag. Shouting out together every outsider who questions the ways..., till some other takes it over and start doing the same...

Plays of Maya r funny, if witnessed from the stands of awareness...
Human body instrument has this faculty, though rarely invoked...

Be happy and Keep Smiling...:)